J.C Blooms | Resources
Slug, Fungus & Mosquito Spray
Utilizes the benefits of garlic extract
Repels and controls slugs effectively
Anti-fungal properties prevents leaves from yellowing & dying
Combat powdery and downy mildew
Works effectively for repelling mosquitoes when sprayed around gardens, doorways and entryways.
Repel pests without the need for toxic chemicals or commercial insecticides.
Does not affect the taste of the vegetables or look of the plant.
Face mask
Rubber gloves
Kitchen scale
Large spoon
Strainer and/ or cheesecloth
Cover / Plastic wrap
Food process / Blender
Work in a well-ventilated area.
Enter quantity of Slug, Fungus & Mosquito Spray in Organic Pest Control Calculator and calculate ingredients to be used in the following steps. Fresh ingredients are recommended.
Place water in a sauce pan. Ensure the pot has enough space is present for adding the garlic. Heat water.
Put on face mask, goggles and rubber gloves
Place the garlic in a blender or food processer. Cut into smaller pieces if needed. Blend / process in multiple batches if needed.
Add a small amount warm / hot water from sauce pan to blender / food processor to assist with liquefying the contents.
Blend Ingredients using pulse or ‘start-stop’ mechanism until a slush is formed. Add more water if needed.
When water in pan is near boiling, turn off heat.
Add slush mixture to pot. Stir into hot water.
Cover pot securely with a plastic wrap or tight fitting lid. Allow mixture to sit for 4-8 hours.
After 4-8 hours, put on face mask, goggles and rubber gloves to strain mixture. Caution: Mixture may be very hot. Allow to cool to a comfortable temperature before proceeding to the next step.
Strain using a strainer or cheesecloth. Use a spoon or otherwise to extract as much of the blended ingredients by using back of spoon to compress slush in strainer or by squeezing solid ingredients through cheesecloth. Strain in multiple batches if needed.
Add citric acid, stir thoroughly to dissolve (Optional, see note below)
Add soap, stir thoroughly to distribute (See note below)
Add mineral oil, stir thoroughly to distribute.
For preserved solutions: store in a clean spray bottle or regular container with a tight fitting lid. Store in a cool dark place up to 1 year after making. For unpreserved solutions, refrigerate for up to 3 months
1. Citric Acid preservative provides a shelf life of 1-2 years. If citric acid is not used, unpreserved solution should be used up immediately. Alternately the unused spray solution can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 months.
2. Soap: For sprays with citric acid, use dish soap e.g. Dawn Dish Soap; For sprays without citric acid, natural soap e.g. Castile Soap may be used