J.C Blooms | Resources
Rapid Grow Fertilizer
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Our environmentally friendly organic non-toxic fertilizers are suitable for use as a general fertilizer, foliage feed, orchid fertilizer, soil drench & compost supplement
RAPID GROW fertilizers improve soil structure, moisture retention, drainage, & the microbial life of the soil. Our fertilizers can help ensure that nutrients are available to plants on a steady basis & that the soil structure enhances root growth. Organic fertilizers release nutrients more slowly than chemical fertilizers, so plant roots are less likely to be burned by getting too high a dose.
All-Purpose Fertilizer
Fish & Seaweed Blend
‘The All-In-One Feed’
Controlled-Release Formulation
Meets the complete nutritional needs of your plants.
Seaweed is a natural source of micronutrients & plant growth hormones.
Fish Extracts are a natural source of major nutrients.
Effective in fueling growth
Works on all types of indoor & outdoor plants.
Fish Emulsion – ‘The Plant Food’
Immediate-Release Formulation
Derived from a blend of fermented fresh fish
Provides controlled levels of nitrogen
Increases crop yields & blooms
Puts micronutrients back into the soil, constantly replenishing & rebuilding.
Long-term use improve the health & complexity of your soil
Great treatment for orchids and orchid roots
Seaweed Extract – ‘The Plant Vitamin’
Immediate-Release formulation
Contains vitamins, trace minerals, enzymes, & amino acids, all of which influence the growth of plants in different ways
Produce dramatic results in plants: more flowers per plant; sweeter & tastier fruits & veggies; larger & stronger plants & greater yields
Support for plants over stressful times especially after severe weather e.g. excessive rain or heat, transplant shock or set back.
Improves root formation & seed survival